EEn should restock by 05/05/2024, ideally. EC by 19/05/2024.


Site has moved here, potentially temporarily. Canary has been updated.


Is Your Homebrewed HRT Safe?

Probably? It’s hard to tell. Safety cannot be 100% confirmed, even for pharmaceutical preparations, much less for homebrew HRT. That being said, we endeavour to maintain sterility of our vials and product through the use of vacuum filtration, autoclaving, and terminal sterilisation (among other procedures).


You are purchasing hormones from random people on the internet, do your due diligence. If you are able to afford good private healthcare, we advise you to go with that, provided that you can ensure they give you a decent and effective dose (most won’t).


We are not promising you a newfangled recipe of HRT guaranteed™ to cure all manners of ailments and medical ills. We are using old recipes, publicly available and used for decades.


We, to the best of our knowledge, have among the best safety practices of any large-scale homebrew supplier available. That being said, we cannot account for quirks in your physiology, nor can we view you in person, or know your medical history without you disclosing it to us.


We cannot guarantee health or perfect results, only access to a product that we use ourselves.


Proceed with caution.

I Want To Learn More About HRT, How Do I Do That? is an excellent resource.

The Injections Are Causing Irritation/Pain, What Do I Do?

This could be down to multiple reasons, such as a contaminated vial, poor injection technique, or a mild allergic/irritant reaction to the quantity of Benzyl Benzoate needed to solvate the Estradiol esters used.


Reactions to Benzyl Benzoate have increased in the past decades due to sensitisation from their increasing use in cosmetic products. If you have a history of antifungal ointment use, or use of topical lotions for the removal of lice/scabies containing Benzyl Benzoate, you have an increased risk of reaction to Benzyl Benzoate.


If the irritation is minor, you may consider continuing use. If the irritation/reaction is severe, you are advised to discontinue use immediately.

Do You Provide Injections Without Benzyl Benzoate/MCT Oil?

Not currently. We will eventually be producing separate formulations and labelling schema for preparations with a different carrier oil and without Benzyl Benzoate. However, given that we are in the early stages of launch, we do not yet have any available.

How Do I Know It's Working?

The effects of HRT are often slow acting, measured in months rather than minutes or days.


You may consult the following table or obtain a blood test to check the results for yourself.


Why Are You Using Pharmaceuticals Actives Made In China?

About 80% of all Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are made in China or India. Many of the products sold by large domestic companies are sourced from China. We use trusted suppliers with a reputation for quality and have any chemicals sourced directly from China tested by a third party. Any excipients we source domestically are USP grade only.

Where Can I Get Blood Tests?

You might be able to request blood tests from a friendly doctor, or you may obtain them privately from a testing service such as or 

What Blood Tests Should I Get?

Estradiol and Testosterone should be tested after the first three months, then at the six month mark, then every six months after that. Under no circumstances should you get a finger-prick test unless unable to obtain venous blood samples, they are typically worthless for diagnostic purposes.


Obtaining a ALT and AST (formerly LFT – Liver Function Test) is also highly advised, especially if you are taking Bicalutamide or Cyproterone Acetate.


If you are using Bicalutamide, you should get a bioavailable Testosterone test as well, since it affects binding/intake of Testosterone into your cells, but not necessarily the amount in your bloodstream, unless your Estradiol dosage is high enough to cause suppression of Testosterone production along the gonadal axis.

What Should My Blood Test Levels Look Like?

Your LFTs (AST + ALT) should be within normal range.


Your Estradiol levels should be somewhere between 100-600pg/ml. (If you are not using an antiandrogen, aka, monotherapy, your trough Estradiol levels (from measurements take just before your next dose) should be roughly 150-250pg/ml)


Your Testosterone should be below 50ng/dl.

What Antiandrogen Should I Use?

Our recommended dosages are typically suitable for monotherapy, meaning that antiandrogens are typically not required at the suggested dose.


While we do not currently sell antiandrogens, here is some information on the following.


Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonists – these are the gold standard antiandrogens. However, they are expensive and hard to acquire. Main types are, in no particular order: Buserelin; Triptorelin; Leuprorelin (Lupron); Goserelin.


Bicalutamide – we regard Bicalutamide as the superior oral antiandrogen, with an excellent safety profile. Our suggested dose is 25-50mg/day. When taking Bicalutamide for the first time, it is important to get regular Liver Function Tests, since a small percentage of individuals experience an adverse reaction to it. Bicalutamide is a silent antagonist of the Androgen Receptor, so your Testosterone levels might stay fixed or even increase. It is important to get a bioavailable Testosterone (SHBG) test to elucidate this.


Cyproterone Acetate – Cyproterone Acetate is a good all-purpose antiandrogen, though we still recommend LFTs for it. It is generally effective at 12.5mg/day. Vitamin B12 supplementation is advised while taking Cyproterone Acetate. Use of Cyproterone Acetate for longer than 2 years is ill advised as it increases the risk of developing a brain tumour. Antiandrogenic effects of Cyproterone Acetate are minimal after 12.5mg/day, mainly restricted to the absolute Testosterone suppression required for male genital cancers.


Spironolactone – a decent antiandrogen recommended at 100-200mg/day. Be aware that Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic, so you will need to drink more, urinate more, and regulate your potassium intake if you have a high potassium diet or use salt substitutes (potassium chloride, low sodium salt).


Finasteride and Dutasteride – both of these are 5-alpha reductase inhibitors instead of genuine antiandrogens. They prevent the conversion of Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but will not significantly affect your Testosterone levels. We don’t provide recommended dosages for these drugs because we do not recommend them (unless you are pursuing hair regrowth and nothing else). If your doctor is prescribing you one of these, with perhaps 2-4mg of oral Estradiol (especially oral Estradiol Valerate) per day, then they are either incompetent, uninformed, uncaring, or they hate you. Find a different doctor. Those dosages work for some people, they do not work for most people.

Can I Overdose On HRT Medication?

Generally, it is extremely difficult to overdose on basic HRT (estradiol), however, long term use at higher than required doses can lead to an increased risk of blood clots an female (estrogen sensitive) cancers.

What If I Still Don't Trust Homebrew HRT?

Take your time. If you’re waiting for the NHS to care about you, you have plenty of it.


Ultimately it’s a matter of appetite for risk. It’s perfectly fine to decide that DIY/homebrew HRT is not right for you. If you want pharmaceutical grade medications, they are available online via several outlets. Importing up to 3 months of non-restricted pharmaceuticals into the UK sans-prescription, albeit expensive, is not illegal, if you so desire.

Do You Provide HRT To Transmascs?

Unfortunately not. The restricted nature of Testosterone elevates the level of risks involved in obtaining and distributing it to unacceptable levels. Fortunately, the culture surrounding obtaining and administering Testosterone is far more developed in gymgoer communities. There are readily available tests online in order to verify the quality and integrity of Testosterone ordered through a variety of grey-market online sources.

Do You Provide HRT To Children?

No. While we wholeheartedly believe that Gillick Competence should apply to minors seeking HRT, we are unable to provide HRT to you if you are underage, since that would be illegal and bad. We are also unable to directly verify your age, so if you are underage it is a condition of using this site that you inform us of your age*. Please note that you should contact us via our contact form to achieve this. If we have reason to believe that you are who you say you are and as young as you say you are, your email might be blacklisted.


Therefore, in order to protect you from the dangers of HRT, we ask that you don’t lie about your age or use a different email address, or a disposable email if you have been blacklisted as a minor, because doing so would make it difficult to identify you on our end. Repeat offenders might have their home address blacklisted, in which case they should be upstanding moral citizens and not order our HRT to someone else’s house.


We are always happy to accept suggestions on more ways to protect children from the horrors of dangerous sex hormones and fully understand that children should not be made to take artificial sex hormones with potentially permanent effects. Instead, children should be made to take their own naturally produced sex hormones against their wills and SSRIs with debilitating and potentially permanent effects.


We assure you that this is not sarcasm and we will be very offended if you state or imply that we are knowingly providing sex hormones to minors. Protecting children is our number one priority and so we will never knowingly provide HRT to a minor and will always endorse that they do not seek to treat potentially unwanted conditions arising from natural alterations in their body’s physiology, such as cancer or depression (unless it’s depression from being denied HRT, in which case SSRIs are fair game (also, we are fine with HRT being given to minors as long as it’s the right kind of HRT, such as that used to treat hypogonadism, as long as it isn’t given by us, since being seen as not giving HRT to children is more important to us than helping children)).


*Please note that we are constantly stressed, tired, and overworked. In situations where we receive dozens of emails in a day (or more than one, including spam), we might not properly register age-related disclosures. If we do not respond, and cancel your order, please email us again (and again, if that fails). If your purchase is already en-route, please destroy any product mistakenly provided to you.

It Says My Order Was Cancelled, What Do I Do?

If you have already paid, contact us and provide the time, sending address, receiving address, and value of the transaction. You might be required to make a low-value secondary payment with the same address in the case of uncertainty of your ownership of the originating wallet.

Are My Packages Shipped Discreetly?


Can You Provide A Tracking Number?

Not currently, no. Tracking numbers present an unacceptable security risk to the continued operation of this service. Most packages should arrive within 2-5 days of ordering domestically.

What If My Package Doesn't Arrive?

We are not responsible for any issues experienced with delivery after it is sent. However, feel free to contact us and we’ll see what we can do.

Can You Help Me With International Customs?

Yes. We do not ship internationally at the present time, but if you are using a mail forwarder, or if a friend is helping send a package to you, contact us and we will help you with the documentation.

My Package Was Seized, What Do I Do?

In the incredibly unlikely event that your package is seized domestically, you may either disavow it, stating that you do not know the contents, or state that it contains perfumes and cosmetics. If it is seized internationally, contact us on what to do.


If you have had packages seized, please have any future deliveries sent to a different address.

I Am Worried About Someone Opening My Mail For Me, What Should I Do?

In exceptional circumstances, you may have your package delivered to a PO box or a friend.


However, the contents of the package should be suitably inconspicuous on their own and able to stand up to cursory examination. In the event that someone would open both the package and the outer packaging of the product which you wish to receive (or would take offense at you receiving a product that would be intended for a feminine clientele), it is advisable to have the product sent elsewhere.

What If This Site Goes Down?

Make a note of the authentication code and bookmark/archive the pastebin in the footer at the bottom of this page. It provides the necessary information to find and authenticate whichever site replaces this one.


In most cases, downtime to the site will not mean that the site will be unavailable forever, check both the site and the pastebin for updates. A direct link to the successor site will not necessarily be placed into the pastebin in the event of this site being compromised. Find it just like you found this one.


If the site goes down after payment is confirmed, but before it can be processed by us, we apologise for force majeure delaying your order. We will attempt to honour it, when possible.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

Cryptocurrency is currently the only accepted mode of payment.


The ability to pay using postage might eventually become available to trusted/reputable individuals.

What's The Best Cryptocurrency To Use?

Monero is the safest and most private mainstream cryptocurrency. You may obtain Monero (and many other common cryptocurrencies) at Kraken Exchange using your card.


Simply send the quoted amount from your exchange address to our wallet address provided during checkout. Ensure that you pay any “gas” fees for your cryptocurrency transaction to ensure that your order is processed properly.

What Are "Gas" Fees In Crypto?

Gas/transaction fees are like taxis to transmit your payment from one address to another.


They are the charges levied by third parties with little to no knowledge of who you are or what you’re doing at your destination.


We do not receive the gas fees, and order processing is performed automatically at checkout. In order to ensure no delays or cancellations to your order, please ensure the full amount is paid both for the transaction, and for gas fees.

What If I Can't Get Crypto No Matter What I Do?

It might be worth asking a friend with access to crypto to buy it for you, you can repay them through whichever manner of your choosing. For security reasons we are unable to accept other forms of payment.

What If I Sent My Crypto To The Wrong Wallet Address?

It’s gone unfortunately. Always check to make sure the receiving address matches.


We don’t have access to it, you don’t have access to it; no one knows who owns the address, except for the person who just got paid by you for having a crypto wallet.

The Existence Of Your Site Proves [Insert Chosen Political Theory Here] Right!

We don’t sell schizophrenia medication. However, estrogen therapy has been shown to improve the positive symptoms of schizophrenia in the short term.

How Can You Live With Yourself?

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply an herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

Providing HRT Without A Doctor Is Dangerous, Why Are You Doing This?

It is, but currently, making use of government administered gender identity clinics is also dangerous due to the extreme waiting times that extremely vulnerable populations are subjected to.


Many services are taking 4 years to obtain an initial appointment, and those were the waiting times for an initial appointment if you were able to apply in 2018. With increasing demand, the current waiting times should be expected at roughly 5-6 years or more for an initial appointment at current date, in defiance of NHS guidance for 18 week waiting times for non-urgent care.


Furthermore, hormones are rarely, if ever, provided upon initial consultation. Further waiting times of 2 years following initial consultation are standard, during which the patient should be expected to subject themselves to a modern-day form of public pillory known as Real Life Experience (RLE) where the patient is expected to, without hormones altering their physiology, attempt to pass as the opposite physiological sex. The difficulty of this (I have been assured) for anyone post-puberty has been equated to achieving a no-death Dark Souls run with a touchpad, mittens, a chastity cage, and enough viagra to make a horse pass out from lack of blood flow. If the patient is sufficiently humiliated to the clinician’s satisfaction and still reasonably obsequious, they might deign to initiate HRT at a low and likely ineffective dosage. Alternatively, they might reject the patient who has been forced to wait almost a decade for treatment.


Such “treatment”, can barely be called healthcare, but instead an oubliette vested within hospital walls and the callous sanctimony of “concern”. Such “treatment” discourages seeking it, and seems designed to do so (medically filibustering what cannot, politically, be expediently expunged). It has proven lethal and it will again.


Compared to that, is it any surprise that some people decide to take their chances.


At the same time, homebrewed HRT (in the form of Testosterone) has been provided illegally for years to gymgoers across the world for decades and yet few people have never endeavoured to seek out gymgoers to denounce it as dangerous nor attempted to bravely confront those who sell it to them. This is in spite of the fact that Testosterone is far more dangerous to self-administer than Estradiol. Ergo, it is not the danger inherent in taking homebrewed medication, but rather the nature of trans people themselves that emboldens then to intervene in their efforts to seek out and participate in the great Western institution of equality in the matter of obtaining HRT without a doctor’s writ. This isn’t a matter of concern or principle. It’s a moral panic.

Is Your HRT Safe?

This is one of those difficult questions. It’s hard to tell. We don’t mean to disparage our products, which we use ourselves, but neither do we wish to give an unrealistic picture of our HRT. Safety can never be 100% confirmed, even for high-end, large-scale pharmaceutical preparations, much less for independently compounded HRT. So much is dependent on individual physiology and sadly not even doctors or pharmaceutical companies get it right 100% of the time.


No one likes to disparage their own creations, but it bears repeating that neither we nor any other non-pharmaceutical source of HRT out there can guarantee you the same consistency that pharmaceutical preparations deliver. To that end, if you can acquire pharmaceutical preparations within a set cost and period of time that is acceptable to you we advise you to obtain it from that source. Anyone claiming they can achieve the same safety profile as large pharmaceutical companies is lying to you. Your health is one of the most valuable resources you have. Don’t fritter it away.


That out of the way, we do endeavour to maintain sterility of our vials and product through the use of vacuum filtration, depyrogenation, autoclaving, and terminal sterilisation (among other procedures to maintain sterility).


We are not promising you a newfangled recipe of HRT guaranteed™ to cure all manners of ailments and medical ills. We are using old recipes, publicly available and used for decades.


We, to the best of our knowledge, have among the best safety practices of any large-scale homebrew supplier available. That being said, we cannot account for quirks in your physiology, nor can we view you in person, or know your medical history without you disclosing it to us.


We cannot guarantee health or perfect results, only access to a product that we use and rely on ourselves.


Proceed with caution.

How Do I Open Your Vials?

There is a coloured metal cap on the top of each vial. This does not unscrew, it is not meant to be removed. Its presence exists to keep the stopper in place and contents sterile. At the top of this cap, in the centre, like a bullseye, there is a raised circle of metal with an embossed line running through it. Using a thin object, such as a knife, a sturdy card, or a fingernail, insert underneath the circle’s outer edge, perpendicular to this embossed line. Gently lift and detach this.

I Emailed/Ordered From You x Hours Ago, Why Are You Not Responding?

While we wish we could reply to all emails immediately, we have busy lives and might be occupied dealing with other prior emails and orders. It might take 1-2 days to receive a response in some cases. Please be patient.

I Paid, Why Hasn't My Order Been Confirmed?

It can sometimes take a while for a cryptocurrency payment to be confirmed on the blockchain. This can take up to several hours in rare cases, and our software is reliant on that blockchain confirmation for its verification. If you’re concerned it hasn’t been detected by our system you are always welcome to reach out to us by email or our contact form, where we will be able to manually verify and process your order.

My Order Hasn't Arrived, What Do I Do?

It can sometimes take a while for an order to arrive. Typically, orders arrive within 5-10 days. If it has not arrived within 2 weeks, contact us.

I Want To Learn More About HRT, How Do I Do That?

There is too much to include here, however, is an excellent resource with reliable information. 

The Injections Are Causing Irritation/Pain, What Do I Do?

This could be down to multiple reasons, such as a contaminated vial, poor injection technique, or a mild allergic/irritant reaction to the excipients or APIs.


Reactions to Benzyl Benzoate and Benzyl Alcohol have increased in the past decades due to sensitisation from their increasing use in cosmetic products. If you have a history of antifungal ointment use, or use of topical lotions for the removal of lice/scabies containing Benzyl Benzoate/Benzyl Alcohol, you have an increased risk of reaction to Benzyl Benzoate/Benzyl Alcohol.


If the irritation is minor, you may consider continuing use. If the irritation/reaction is severe, you are advised to discontinue use immediately. Sometimes changing to a different ester, carrier oil, or an injection with lower concetrations of Benzyl Benzoate solves the issue.


In the case of severe Benzyl Alcohol allergy, your options are limited since this preservative is crucial to maintain sterility of multidose vials. Alternative routes of administration, such as transdermal or oral, are advised in such scenarios.


In the case of minor irritation, antihistamines or topical hydrocortisone may be used electively. These should be used reactively, rather than proactively to ensure any sensitisation to excipients in the vials does not progress.


We provide alternatives to injections in the form of a transdermal gels.

Do You Provide Injections Without Benzyl Benzoate/MCT Oil?

Not currently. We will eventually be producing separate formulations and labelling schema for preparations with a different carrier oil and without Benzyl Benzoate.

How Do I Know It's Working?
The effects of HRT are often slow acting, measured in months rather than minutes or days. . You may consult the following table or obtain a blood test to check the results for yourself. .
What Dosage Do You Recommend?

The recommended dosage differs per method of administration. Injections have a recommended dosage attached to each page.


It should be noted that the recommended monotherapy dosages are higher than what is typically required to suppress testosterone production in the testes of the average individual. This is because there is a wide variation in speed of processing of estradiol esters, depending on the individual. The only realistic method of gauging this speed is by obtaining bloodwork of estradiol levels to find your trough levels (trough levels are the opposite of peak levels, and can be obtained by taking a blood test soon before or at the time you would normally receive your next dose).


Our suggested dosages are therefore inflated to allow a sufficient margin of error as to provide at least minimally sufficient trough levels for the majority of individuals, should they be unable to afford or obtain bloodwork. We do, however, recommend obtaining bloodwork to more precisely tailor your dosage, whenever possible.


Target trough levels should be roughly 200 pg/ml (734 pmol/l) without an antiandrogen, or 100 pg/ml (367 pmol/l) with an antiandrogen in sufficient dosage to suppress testosterone production by the testes.

Why Are You Using Pharmaceuticals Actives Made In China?

About 80% of all Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are made in China or India. Many of the products sold by large domestic companies are sourced from China. We use trusted suppliers with a reputation for quality and have any chemicals sourced directly from China tested by a third party. Any excipients we source domestically are USP grade only.

Where Can I Get Blood Tests?

You might be able to request blood tests from a friendly doctor, or you may obtain them privately from a testing service such as or 

What Blood Tests Should I Get?

Estradiol and Testosterone should be tested after the first three months, then at the six month mark, then every six months after that. Under no circumstances should you get a finger-prick test unless unable to obtain venous blood samples, they are typically worthless for diagnostic purposes.


Obtaining a ALT and AST (formerly LFT – Liver Function Test) is also highly advised, especially if you are taking Bicalutamide or Cyproterone Acetate. Prolactin is advised with Cyproterone Acetate as there is an elevated risk of prolactinoma.


If you are using Bicalutamide, you should get a bioavailable Testosterone test as well, since it affects binding/intake of Testosterone into your cells, but not necessarily the amount in your bloodstream, unless your Estradiol dosage is high enough to cause suppression of Testosterone production along the HPG axis.

What Should My Blood Test Levels Look Like?

Your LFTs (AST + ALT) should be within normal range. While not absolutely necessary, if you have LFTs from prior to starting your regimen, this is ideal. In some situations LFTs might shoot up from the lower ranges to the very boundaries of the upper normal ranges. This might be a cause for concern in some individuals. (if you are taking cyproterone acetate, this is also a consideration when testing Prolactin levels)


Your Estradiol levels should be somewhere between 100-600pg/ml. (If you are not using an antiandrogen, aka, monotherapy, your trough Estradiol levels (from measurements take just before your next dose) should be roughly 150-250pg/ml)


Your Testosterone should be below 50ng/dl.

What Antiandrogen Should I Use?

Our recommended dosages are typically suitable for monotherapy, meaning that antiandrogens are typically not required at the suggested dose.


While we do not currently sell antiandrogens, here is some information on the following.


Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Agonists – these are the gold standard antiandrogens. However, they are expensive and hard to acquire. Main types are, in no particular order: Buserelin; Triptorelin; Leuprorelin (Lupron); Goserelin.


Bicalutamide – we regard Bicalutamide as the superior oral antiandrogen, with an excellent safety profile. Our suggested dose is 25-50mg/day. When taking Bicalutamide for the first time, it is important to get regular Liver Function Tests, since a small percentage of individuals experience an adverse reaction to it. Bicalutamide is a silent antagonist of the Androgen Receptor, so your Testosterone levels might stay fixed or even increase. It is important to get a bioavailable Testosterone (SHBG) test to elucidate this.


Cyproterone Acetate – Cyproterone Acetate is a good all-purpose antiandrogen, though we still recommend LFTs for it. It is generally effective at 12.5mg/day. Vitamin B12 supplementation is advised while taking Cyproterone Acetate. Use of Cyproterone Acetate for longer than 2 years is ill advised as it increases the risk of developing a brain tumour. Antiandrogenic effects of Cyproterone Acetate are minimal after 12.5mg/day, mainly restricted to the absolute Testosterone suppression required for male genital cancers. Cyproterone Acetate also elevates levels of prolactin in certain individuals (prolactin may also be raised by prolactinomas, SSRIs, or abnormally high estrogen levels). If taking Cyproterone Acetate, consider testing for prolactin occasionally.


Spironolactone – a decent antiandrogen recommended at 100-200mg/day. Be aware that Spironolactone is a potassium-sparing diuretic, so you will need to drink more, urinate more, and regulate your potassium intake if you have a high potassium diet or use salt substitutes (potassium chloride, low sodium salt). If you have a history of heart problems, chronic ill health, or oedema, consider weaning yourself off spironolactone if you ever choose to cease using it for another antiandrogen, or for monotherapy. The risks of Spironolactone are often overexaggerated in healthy individuals, but it is important to be aware of them, just as it’s important to note that spironolactone is primarily a potassium-sparing diuretic and secondarily a weak antiandrogen. If you take spironalactone at doses sufficient to perform as an antiandrogen, you WILL experience diuretic effects.


Finasteride and Dutasteride – both of these are 5-alpha reductase inhibitors instead of genuine antiandrogens. They prevent the conversion of Testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) but will not significantly affect your Testosterone levels. We don’t provide recommended dosages for these drugs because we do not recommend them (unless you are pursuing hair regrowth or aiming to prevent further loss). If your doctor is prescribing you one of these, with perhaps 2-4mg of oral Estradiol (especially oral Estradiol Valerate) per day, then they are either incompetent, uninformed, uncaring, or they hate you. Find a different doctor. These dosages work for some people, they do not work for most people.

Can I Overdose On HRT Medication?

Generally, it is extremely difficult to overdose on basic HRT (estradiol), however, long term use at higher than required doses can lead to an increased risk of blood clots, female cancers, and elevated prolactin.

What If I Still Don't Trust your HRT?

That is perfectly fair and we have no intention of forcing you to change your mind. You are responsible for decisions involving your own health, and should only do what you are comfortable with.


Ultimately it’s a matter of appetite for risk. It’s perfectly fine to decide that homebrew HRT is not right for you. If you want pharmaceutical grade medications, they are available online via several outlets. Importing up to 3 months of non-restricted pharmaceuticals into the country sans-prescription, albeit expensive, is not illegal, if you wish.


We also provide transdermal preparations of estradiol, if you’re opposed to injections.


If you wish for more information before making your decision, you are free to contact us. However, please bear in mind that we have strict rules on what we are able to share for the purposes of preserving the security of our operation. If you ask for information that we are unable or unwilling to provide, we are unable to make an exception for you, though we might inform you of the reason for our inability to share the information. We understand that refusing to answer questions about the exact provenance of certain ingredients is suspicious, and rightly so, however, given that we are unsure of anyone’s legitimate identity, we must avoid identifying our vendors to prevent cross-referencing of buyers being used to identify our operation.


We understand that this might make you reticent to purchase from us. We completely understand if this is the case and encourage you to find other vendors with less stringent safety precautions.

Do You Provide HRT To Transmascs?

Unfortunately not. The restricted nature of Testosterone elevates the level of risks involved in obtaining and distributing it to unacceptable levels. Fortunately, the culture surrounding obtaining and administering Testosterone is far more developed in gymgoer communities. There are readily available tests online in order to verify the quality and integrity of Testosterone ordered through a variety of grey-market online sources. Your local gym is an excellent resource, and steroid users will have a good idea of reputable sources. Consider becoming a regular at your local gym and find the biggest, friendliest, most muscular guy there. Ask them if they know where you can obtain T safely. In most cases, gym culture is extremely friendly and welcoming. If obtaining T from a gym is not possible/difficult, the following site (here) contains a list of transmasc resources.

Do You Provide HRT To Children?

No. Our products are not suitable for children and may cause health complications.


For harm reduction purposes, it is important to note that adult dosages are not suitable for those who have yet to or are undergoing puberty.


During puberty, the body is undergoing a series of precise and delicate shifts in its hormonal clockwork, and disrupting these can have unforeseen consequences if not overseen and monitored by a medical professional.


Injection monotherapy is highly ill-advised during this time since metabolisation of estradiol esters is different between people, which can result in wildly fluctuating physiological levels of estrogen between any two people at any given time. Inappropriate levels can cause serious harms, and overly high ones can lead to premature closure of bone growth plates (this is not a good thing if not done at the right stage of skeletal development, which is why having the advice of a medical professional is paramount)


This is particularly problematic, if you’re underaged, since you will have decreased access to vital monitoring services such as blood tests, and the increased risk of infection present in injections (and especially homebrewed injections) poses serious and permanent dangers. There are also legal guardianship risks associated with self medicating, and any situation where a need to avoid cascading legal repercussions against yourself and your family must be balanced with a need to get medical treatment for a medical incident such as infection should be avoided.


Because of this and since recommended dosages are lower, injections are not advised. Likewise, the engagement of medical professionals to ensure that you are receiving the right dosage at the right time cannot have its importance stressed enough. The oral route of administration using pills is instead preferred. These should be obtained through a medical professional, since medicine obtained over the internet might be fake or expired, posing a serious risk to your health. Such dosage is as follows:


Regarding concurrent antiandrogens (in this case spironolactone)

For those yet to undergo or early in pubescence, an oral regimen (accompanied by antiandrogen use, spironolactone or GnRH Agonists are recommended so as to avoid potential rare side effects of cyproterone acetate and bicalutamide) as follows is suggested:

0.4mg/day for 6 months, 

0.8mg/day for the following 6 months, 

1.25mg/day for the following 6 months, 

1.75mg/day for the following 6 months, 

followed by typical adult doses.


For those nearing the end of puberty, an oral regimen (accompanied by antiandrogen use, spironolactone or GnRH Agonists are recommended so as to avoid potential rare side effects of cyproterone acetate and bicalutamide) as follows is suggested:

1.5mg/day for 6 months, 

3mg/day until termination of puberty, 

followed by typical adult doses.


For prepubescent individuals, a dose of 1-3mg/kg is suitable to begin with, increasing up to a maximum of 5mg/kg if ineffective. This dose should be split evenly. (e.g. a 40kg individual starts at 2mg/kg spironolactone. This is a daily dose of 80mg per day. They will take 40mg in the morning. They will take 40mg in the evening. If the given dose does not achieve testosterone suppression, they will NOT immediately increase their dose to 200mg per day, but slowly increase their dose until they achieve testosterone suppression)


For those undergoing or nearing the end of puberty a dose of 50-100mg per day is suitable to begin with, increasing up to a maximum of 8mg/kg if ineffective. The absolute maximum dose should not exceed 400mg. This dose should be split evenly. (e.g. a 55kg individual starts at 100mg spironolactone. This is a daily dose of 100mg per day. They will take 50mg in the morning. They will take 50mg in the evening. If the given dose does not achieve testosterone suppression, they will NOT immediately increase their dose to 400mg per day, but slowly increase their dose until they achieve testosterone suppression. They will not go up to 440mg per day.)

It Says My Order Was Cancelled, What Do I Do?

If you have already paid, contact us and provide as many of the transaction details as possible. You might be required to make a low-value secondary payment with the same address in the case of uncertainty of your ownership of the originating wallet.

Are My Packages Shipped Discreetly?


Can You Provide A Tracking Number?

Not currently, no. Tracking numbers present an unacceptable security risk to the continued operation of this service.

Can You Help Me With International Customs?

We do not directly ship internationally at the present time, but we have an option to provide invoices and documentation to aid with customs clearance, if you are using a mail forwarder, or if a friend is helping send a package to you.

My Package Was Seized, What Do I Do?

In the incredibly unlikely event that your package is seized domestically, you may either disavow it, stating that you do not know the contents, or state that that you believe it contains perfumes and cosmetics.


If you have had packages seized, please have any future deliveries sent to a different address.

I Am Worried About Someone Opening My Mail For Me, What Should I Do?

In exceptional circumstances, you may have your package delivered to a PO box or a friend.


However, the contents of the package should be suitably inconspicuous on their own and able to stand up to cursory examination. In the event that someone would open both the package and the outer packaging of the product which you wish to receive (or would take offense at you receiving a product that would be intended for a feminine clientele), it is advisable to have the product sent elsewhere.

What If This Site Goes Down?

Please make a note of our Alternate Links at the top of and our canary at the bottom of every page. It provides the necessary information to find and authenticate whichever site replaces this one.


In most cases, downtime to the site will not mean that the site will be unavailable forever, check both the site and the alternate links for updates. A direct link to the successor site might not necessarily be placed into the alternative locations in the event of this site being compromised. Find it just like you found this one.


If the site goes down after payment is confirmed, but before it can be processed by us, we will attempt to honour it, when possible.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

Cryptocurrency is currently the only accepted mode of payment.


The ability to pay using other methods might become available in the future.

What's The Best Cryptocurrency To Use?

There are a variety of cryptocurrencies that may be used. We accept multiple currencies such as BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR, etc. 
If you’re a complete crypto beginner, you can forgo using an exchange to buy bitcoin using the following steps. You may also buy other cryptocurrencies, but please ensure you select the proper currency in both our checkout process and on the site.

Due to the nature of cryptocurrency, payment confirmation is time and computationally intensive. It can take up to 1-2 hours for your payment to be properly processed during periods of high trading volume. If using Bitcoin, you can check the status of your transaction here by entering the wallet address into the search bar. For Bitcoin, once it reaches 1 confirmation you will receive an email confirming your order.

What If My Bank Doesn't Let Me Pay Crypto Payment Companies?

A small number of banks don’t allow payments to companies involved in the crypto industry.


There are various options:

1.Get a trusted friend with knowledge of how to use crypto to make your purchase for you and pay them back.

2.Open a free Monzo crypto-friendly account ( They don’t have fees or minimum deposits and you can send crypto direct from the wallet. Do not declare it as a business transaction or indicate “Vanna” or “Vanna Pharma” in the name or description.

3.Open a account and create a virtual debit card here ( which you can use for payments to crypto companies.

4.Attempt using another crypto payment service, such as Switchere if your card provider (including Wise) doesn’t accept the one you attempted.

5.Use a peer-to-peer exchange, such as LocalCoinSwap, where you can buy Bitcoin at a premium from independent sellers using cryptocurrency escrow wallets operated by the peer-to-peer exchange. (only use reputable vendors on the site)

What Are "Gas" Fees In Crypto?

Gas/transaction fees are like taxis to transmit your payment from one address to another.


They are the charges levied by third parties with little to no knowledge of who you are or what you’re doing at your destination.


We do not receive the gas fees, and order processing is performed automatically at checkout. In order to ensure no delays or cancellations to your order, please ensure the full amount is paid both for the transaction, and for gas fees.

What If I Can't Get Crypto No Matter What I Do?

It might be worth asking a friend with access to crypto to buy it for you, you can repay them through whichever manner of your choosing. For security reasons we are unable to accept other forms of payment.

What If I Sent My Crypto To The Wrong Wallet Address?

It’s gone unfortunately. Always check to make sure the receiving address matches.


We don’t have access to it, you don’t have access to it; no one knows who owns the address, except for the person who just got paid by you for having a crypto wallet.

Do You Accept Resellers of Your Injections?

We understand that not everyone is willing or capable of paying through cryptocurrency, and that the shipping limitations we are bound by are less than optimal. To that end, we welcome the existence of resellers able to ship internationally or capable of taking other methods of payment. A bulk discount for the purchase of 10+ vials is therefore available to any such individuals in order.


Resellers are free to set their own prices and shipping rates, including charging a premium for their services.


All products obtained from resellers MUST be unopened and in their original packaging.

The Existence Of Your Site Proves [Insert Chosen Political Theory Here] Right!

We don’t sell schizophrenia medication. However, estrogen therapy has been shown to improve the positive symptoms of schizophrenia in the short term.

Should I Use KiwiFarms For Medical And Pharmaceutical Advice?

We don’t sell schizophrenia medication. However, estrogen therapy has been shown to improve the positive symptoms of schizophrenia in the short term.

Providing HRT Without A Doctor Is Dangerous, Why Are You Doing This?

It is, but currently, making use of government administered  clinics is also dangerous due to the extreme waiting times that extremely vulnerable populations are subjected to.


Many services are taking 4 years to obtain an initial appointment, and those were the waiting times for an initial appointment if you were able to apply in 2018. With increasing demand, the current waiting times should be expected at roughly 5-6 years or more for an initial appointment at current date, in defiance of guidance for 18 week waiting times for non-urgent care.


Furthermore, hormones are rarely, if ever, provided upon initial consultation. Further waiting times of 2 years following initial consultation are not uncommon, during which the patient should be expected to subject themselves to a modern-day form of public pillory known as Real Life Experience (RLE). If the patient is sufficiently humiliated to the clinician’s satisfaction and still reasonably obsequious, they might deign to initiate HRT at a low and likely ineffective dosage. Alternatively, they might reject the patient who has been forced to wait almost a decade for treatment.


Such “treatment”, can barely be called healthcare, but instead an oubliette vested within hospital walls and the callous sanctimony of “concern”. Such “treatment” discourages seeking it, and seems designed to do so (medically filibustering what cannot, politically, be expediently expunged). It has proven lethal and it will again.


Is it any surprise that some people decide to take their chances.


At the same time, HRT (in the form of Testosterone) has been provided illegally for years to gymgoers across the world for decades, as an open secret, without even a fraction of the outrage. This is in spite of the fact that Testosterone is far more dangerous to self-administer than Estradiol. Likewise, Testosterone is a controlled substance, but Estradiol is not. It is not the danger inherent in taking HRT medication without a doctor’s interference, but rather the nature of trans people themselves that emboldens them to intervene in their efforts to seek out and obtain timely and efficacious treatment. This isn’t a matter of concern or principle. It’s a moral panic.